What question interests you?

Our delivery service is paid in Uzbekistan. In order for the delivery to be carried out in a mode convenient for you, we get in touch with you, we receive the following data:

1. Your contact number.
2. Location of the place where you need to deliver.
3. A certain time that is convenient for you to receive the order.

Our courier will contact you before delivering the products you have chosen. Brings to your address and, if necessary, waits while you try on (if you need a fitting)

Delivery terms
1-2 days Tashkent city
3-7 days after payment Other cities of Uzbekistan
7-30 days after payment World

Delivery countries
1. Austria
2. Azerbaijan
3. Belarus
4. Belgium
5. UK
6. Germany
7. Hong Kong
8. Greece
9. Israel
10. Spain
11. Italy
12. Kazakhstan
13. Canada
14. Kyrgyzstan
15. Lithuania
16. Malaysia
17. Moldova
18. Netherlands
19. New Zealand
20. Norway
21. UAE
22. Russia
23. Saudi Arabia
24. Serbia
25. Singapore
26. USA
27. Tajikistan
28. Thailand
29. Türkiye
30. Ukraine
31. Uzbekistan
32. France
33. Switzerland
34. Sweden
35. Estonia
36. South Korea
37. Japan

You have made the decision to purchase. Great. In order for us to receive information about your order, we ask you to take the following steps (the execution time will take no more than three minutes)

• Select the color of the product (it is marked in the box) • Choose a size (shown in the box). • Click on the "Add to Cart" button • Click on the "Checkout" button

An information window will appear where you enter the data: • Name and Surname • Phone number • A country • City, region
You are one step away from completing the order process. • Click on the button "For payment" • Select payment type • Click on the button "Complete Order"
Cool! You did it. Our consultant will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Thanks for the right decision!

What to do if you find a defect in a product that you purchased on our website? The most important thing to do in this case is not to worry and immediately call the consultant at +998 90 902 94 19 to report this case.

We guarantee the return or exchange of a defective product within 15 days from the date you receive your order. We consider each case of marriage separately and, in order to improve quality and service, we analyze the identified case of marriage.

You can return a new, unworn product within 14 calendar days, not counting the day of purchase.
1. You receive money on the same card with which you paid for the product (if the payment was made from the card)
2. We refund in cash if the payment was made in cash to the courier.

When buying on the site, many are concerned about the question: Will the size fit me?

We have carefully considered everything and took care of your convenience. What do we offer? For your convenience, we offer you to choose several sizes on the site. All these products, after our courier brings to you, you can try on and make your choice.

Payment is accepted only for those products that suit you and only after you are convinced that you like your choice.

Even if the size did not fit or the product was NOT liked, you have the right to return your order to our courier on the spot.

Delivery in this case is also FREE. The main thing is that you have a pleasant experience of cooperation with our team.